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Run2Cure Sydney

Run2Cure Neuroblastoma is a fun run organised by the registered charity, Neuroblastoma Australia.

Run2Cure is held annually in The Domain, Sydney and has attracted between 3000-5000 participants for 10 years. Run2Cure is the charity’s largest fundraising event for research into the aggressive childhood cancer, neuroblastoma.

Neuroblastoma is a solid tumour of childhood cancer. It develops from nerve cells called neuroblasts. These cells are most commonly found in the adrenal glands (above the kidney) and along the tissues around the spinal cord.

There are no known reasons as to why this cancer occurs and there are no clear environmental links. There are rare cases where neuroblastoma runs in families due to a genetic mutation, but in most cases there is no known genetic cause.

Neuroblastoma is a very complex cancer and there are many different types that behave very differently. At one end of the spectrum are benign tumours that may even resolve spontaneously, while at the other end are aggressive tumours with an average survival rate of 40%.